phoenix (fē'nĭks)
1. Mythology. A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes.
This name is getting more and more appropriate every game. Since the trade that brought Shaq over from Miami the self consumption has continued. Apparently the fire that will consume this Phoenix will be fueled by all the gas coming from Shaquille O'neal.
I was one of those who doubted that this was a good trade. In fact I knew it wasn't. As a Laker fan I watched Shaq peak in LA. Then I watched the decline begin in Miami. This season the downhill slide became a drop off of a cliff. Shaq's promises of a ring in Phoenix didn't bother me. What else was he supposed to say. "You all are a bunch of suckers for taking on the Big Grand Canyon of Talent" isn't really a reasonable thing for him to shout over the microphone when they introduce him. So instead he stands up and points to one finger. The crowd thinks championship. Shaq was thinking 1st man off the bench sounds good to me.
Those were just the beginnings though. The real sign of trouble came against Detroit the other night. After a game that included Steve Nash whining to the officials—everyone made this out to be rare, I think he is whiny little punk—Grant Hill even complained, that actually is rare.
Grant Hill's whining was at least humorous. He said he knew it had gotten bad when even Rasheed Wallace was agreeing with him on calls that favored Wallace's Pistons.
Whether the game was officiated poorly or not—I think a lot of NBA games are— isn't the point. The point is that when you start complaining about the officials, the game is over. In this case the name of the game is "Will Phoenix Get That Ring Shaq promised". They're still playing but, like I said...GAME OVER.
Phoenix may win in the court of public opinion. But I have never seen on old retired NBA players reminisce about his wins there. They usually get nostalgic while they are rubbing their rings. If Phoenix can they should suck it up and worry about what they are doing not what the refs are doing, and what the other team thinks about what the refs are doing. Neither helps them. In fact both hurt them.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Phoenix: Apparently In The Molting Process.
Posted by
Ron Dean
1:07 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
Linking up with RonDean
How does this even get made(Gizmodo)
If these drunk, naked cheerleaders are from the OCC near by I am going to their games tomorrow(WithLeather)
This Just In: John Daly, he like the boozeeyy(TheSportingBlog)
Seriously kid; Run, run as fast as you can(Fanhouse)
I hope they have Winnie the Pooh in Macedonia, other wise they are missing a nice one(Yahoo)
Terry Bowden apparently done coaching, He certainly isn't gonna try and talk some mother into sending him her son after this, is he?(EDSBS)
A friend dared me to drink the top portion of a bottle of Tobasco sauce. There was a lot of people sitting their including a girl I wanted to impress(Girls are impressed by commiting to stupid dares, right?) A few minutes later the waitress arrived with a milkshake, a plate of celery, and pity on her face.
I thought then, for the first of many times, That sounded like a good idea at the time.
This guy will need this story soon(Neatorama)
Posted by
Ron Dean
6:00 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Linking up with RonDean
Lasorda being Lasorda; I might start paying attention to the Dodgers again(Deadspin)
Today's Reason to Love Nascar: This is Where Blasting Your Sport's Equipment Happens(ESPN) - Remember all the unnamed sources that didn't like the synthetic basketball; Yeah, NASCAR drivers just a little more willing to speak their minds.
Carr signs 1-YR,1-Million With Giants - This Just In:2006-2007 Texans Offensive Line, Not As Bad As We Thought.(ESPN)
Oden ignores the advice of everyone with experience and rushes back to practice(Fanhouse)
The Big Lead revealed(Fanhouse)
Posted by
Ron Dean
6:28 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Linking up with RonDean
These are the people that make the rest of us NASCAR fans look bad(Yahoo)
Piniella apologizes to Marquis. Dibble still waiting; phone still not ringing(BabesLoveBaseball)
It wouldn't be tragic it would be Natural Selection(Neatorama)
Hatton loses to Golden Boy fighter Mayweather Jr., then signs with Golden Boy; I can't figure out why people think boxing is rigged(ESPN)
Garnett's Sam Cassell impression is hilarious(Fanhouse)
This is what makes NASCAR fans look smart(SportsbyBrooks)
Posted by
Ron Dean
6:47 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Linking up with RonDean
Rams apparently didn't see enough concussions last season, sign Trent Green(ESPN)
I just can't figure why the south has that backwards image(Yahoo)
Hansbrough's jersey to be retired(ESPN)
Yesterday: Dan Le Batard's hariness, Today: Solutions(Gizmodo)
Barabara Sue came up with a clever tombstone, her kids were not so clever with that epitaph(Neatorama)
Only hilarious for the first 1/4 mile(Gizmodo)
Posted by
Ron Dean
8:59 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Dwayne Wade Shuts it Down; Thanks Riley
The Miami Heat continue to do there part for the environment, producing exactly no heat. Dwayne Wade has officially shut it down for the remainder of the season, including the playoffs (AHHHHH HA HA HA). Following move after move that signifies the absolute black hole this franchise is in, this last one can hardly be considered a surprise.
To start the year the Heat were just terrible. The league held it's collective tongue, though. The only comments were to the effect that everything would be fine when Wade returned from his shoulder injury.
As the losses piled up with no sign of improvement, the talk of Wade's return seemed to remind Ricky Davis that there is a glimmer of talent within him some where and he and better shine it up to coincide with Wade's return. When Wade returned assumptions were made about Shaq, Davis and all of the Heat's play rising to meet the ability of Wade.
One problem, Wade's ability seems to be hiding under something thicker than Dan Le Batard's chest hair. Now Shaq has been dealt and Wade has shut it down. Wade certainly can't be faulted, Head coach and GM Pat Riley said recently he was planning to skip a few weeks. Planning on taking the time to scout players in NCAA tournaments.
I can only imagine how that went over with Wade "Sounds great coach. See you next season, my uhhh, let's say... knee hurts."
Now with this season a complete waste, Shaq gone to Phoenix (woo hoo a win, over a team with talent), and Wade on the shelf Shawn Marion has got to be wondering how fast he can get to Boston, or Detroit, hell he's probably take Minnesota right now.
If the team doesn't seem commited to winning—trading away a legendary player for a contract move, the coach doesn't seem commited to winning —yet another early exit when the team plays poorly, we certainly can't expect the star player to grit it out. It will be interesting to see what Marion can do with a team that has zero pressure to win and no real stars other than him.
Posted by
Ron Dean
1:17 PM
Labels: dwayne wade, injuries, miami heat, pat riley
Linking up with RonDean
It's Monday morning, I am out from under the mountain of my own work and the work I have been helping others with so without further adeiu,"let's Superman this post"
Soccer Hooligaans once again take it just a bit too far(Yahoo)
At this point can't you just lug around your eagle all-in-one(Gizmodo) - this actually was my first computer thanks Pop and Mamz
I appreciate athletes picking the worst era in fashion to make all these music videos(Babes Love Baseball)
The bright colors of the Crocs cellphone holder allow you to identify from a distance, people you want to avoid.(Gizmodo)
Miguel Tejada; Just Living the Dream(UmpBump)
Brits attempting to ruin natural selection; next they'll start using dentistry to prevent all those tooth infection related deaths(Gizmodo)
Posted by
Ron Dean
6:06 AM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Linking up with RonDean
First off a little update; as you may have noticed the posting has been a little light over the last few days. I had a fellow writer take on a little more project than he could handle and I am assisting him. Before you think that sounds to kind of me, know that I am robbing him blind to help him. Back to the part of this that you care about I'll be slowly working my way back to a reasonable amount of posts as her and I get this little project done.
Rick Hendrick; Kind of a big deal(Fanhouse)
MCBias of Moderately Cerebral Bias is moving from his independant blog to join another. I am not surprised by the interest he writes well and is certainly unique, but I wonder what blog has a niche that he'll fit in.(MC Bias)
NSFW after the fold I bet nobody thought we would be wishing for that wholesome Bob Knight era to return to Indiana(Don Chavez via With Leather)
Who ya gonna call?: Honestly, if you really can get rid of ghosts, you might wanna bump your fees up from 20 bucks an hour(Yahoo)
I'm not sure which is funnier David Ortiz's butt shaped chin strap or all that meat jammed into a dixie cup(Deadspin)
I'm just guessing here but I doubt that the guy who base jumped off of the Empire state building is shaking in his aerodynamic suit(leotard?) at the thought of facing charges(Yahoo)
I don't particularly like the Sawkxs or the Yanks but I do like the rivalry. So stop trying to ruin it; or I hate Hank Steinbrenner more every second that his mounth is open(Fanhouse)
I think getting Sam Cassell was a good move, but Rajon Rondo is making it look less than necessary(Fanhouse)
Posted by
Ron Dean
6:00 AM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Brett Favre Retires; Like Everything Else, It's the Patriots Fault
It appears as though Brett Favre is retiring for what will likely be the final time. There seems to be no question why he retired. The Moss factor.
I find it less than coincidental that less than 24 hours after Randy Moss's deal to return to the Patriots was announced Favre's decision was made. Favre spent a good portion of last years offseason publicly asking that the Packers make the moves required to bring Moss to Green Bay. Green Bay apparently felt that Moss was not worth the 4th rounder that ended up pulling him out oh Oakland. (Hindsight is twenty-twenty, but that record setting season Moss put up in New England makes that 4th round pick look like a real bargain now.) With Moss leading the Free Agency market this offseason, Favre had to be hoping to see the Packers make the move they were to short sighted to see last season. Instead the Packers missed out on Moss and now, no matter what Aaron Rodgers does, they will miss the legend for years to come.
Though Favre has contemplated retirement during the past few offseasons, this time seems official. With a statement released by Packers GM Ted Thompson
Brett Favre has informed us of his intention to retire from the Green Bay
Packers and the NFL, he has had one of the greatest careers in the history of
the National Football League, and he is able to walk away from the game on his
own terms — not many players are able to do that.
The Brett Favre is the greatest thing since sliced bread comments continued from Thompson, but here at the Opinion that started a month ago with our letter that Brett must have missed. We can surely find some time to heap on more praise.
Favre gave the Packers the rare blessing of long running consistency of his 16 years in Green Bay, crushing the games-started streak and continuing it right up until the end of his career. The end of his career is certainly not the ride off into the sunset that one would dream up for a gritty legend. Favre ended a magical season by throwing an interception in overtime of the NFC Championship game. The teams season was a great one, made even more so by the fact it was unexpected. That interception being the final ball that Favre will wing down the field while scrambling under pressure is a little hard to swallow.
While it lacks the final moment Favre's Career was made up of those. Favre's overall numbers will lead to my kids likely, and their kids surely under appreciating him. But the moments , where he truly shined made up for the bad games and even the bad seasons. His greatness was not only so impressive but so fun to watch it made the hard times a little easier to swallow. (Note: I'm a Vikings fan so while I have enjoyed his magic, his hard times actually went down like bourbon for breakfast. In my world that's GRRRREAAAAT)
One of his finest moments wasn't that long ago. If you didn't have the pleasure of seeing the Monday Night Football game that Favre played against the Raiders mere hours after his father's passing, it was inspiring. He threw for 5 million yards and every thing he put up there was escorted by angels and the almighty himself to the hands of his receivers. Ok that might be a little grander than it actually was but the second most interesting thing in that game was listening to Madden call the game. He went nuclear-Fanboy about Favre. basically describing his play as divine he was gushing so much.
I have to say while the fans will be saddened I think Madden is going to be crushed, unless they get Favre in the booth which just might make his life. The saddest person though will be Frank Caliendo, since the only funny impersonation he does is Madden gushing about Favre.
Posted by
Ron Dean
7:00 AM
Labels: brett favre, free agency, green bay packers, nfl, randy moss, retirement
Linking up with RonDean
Just what I want, a building to rise out of the ground everytime I have to crap in public(Neatorama)
Alison Stokke's is back and she's handling a whole new pole(TheBigLead)
Robbery, huh? Not our bar, not tonight(Yahoo)
A very timely pole; Best NFC north QB(Nosebleed)
Never lose your keys; or get laid again(Gizmodo)
Nothing scream date material like a book full of cocktail napkins(Nerd Approved)
Posted by
Ron Dean
6:00 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Linking up with RonDean
Steve & Barry's gets a chance to make Ben Wallce's shoe not so ugly the second time around. Though with Clevelands colors I don't see it working out well(Fanhouse)
Tired of girls in skirts receiving all the attention, Catholic School teachers take it to the next level(FoxNews)
Losers of the world, Unite!! - Do you see the girl in this picture, Neither do I(Neatorama)
Speaking of Girls Now you can pick them up with your Mac Book Air(Gizmodo)
10 Funny Celeb Tombstones(Mental Floss)
Posted by
Ron Dean
6:00 AM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Linking up with RonDean
The Chairman of one of the 397 soccer leagues I don't care about wants to let unruly, scottish soccer fans drink before durng and after games, adding Let's Superman this riot(SportsbyBrooks)
As Coach K's wife let the officials now that they were wrong, and they were. Coach K pulled out his 800th win(Fanhouse)
Mike Krzyzewski: 799 wins
Coach K's wife:1 Win
Brady Quinn thinks he has a shot to start; applies the same logic that helped him think Notre Dame was a contender(Fanhouse)
George Karl is not amused by, he plans to start in retaliation(Rocky Mountain News)
Matt Millen: "If I was sitting at home and I was a Lion fan, you've got to blame somebody" - I think the problem is that you're not a Lions fan, your moves over the last few years have made it clear that you Love Green Bay, Wish Chicago the best and plan on retiring to Minnesota the moment the Ford family pulls it's head out and fires you(Fanhouse)
Posted by
Ron Dean
6:00 AM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Free Agency: Reconsidering the Early Leaders
I posted a few hours ago about the New York Jets being the early leader in this years NFL Free Agency. I would like to repeat what I said then.
It is too early to pick a winner but it's never to early to pick a leader.It is also never to late to change your mind. With the moves that Cleveland has made already, not only helping themselves but hurting division rival, Cincinnatti, they were making a strong case as the number one team in free agency. Now they have added to their wide receiver corps.
The Browns have come to terms with receiver Donte Stallworth, who spent last season on the Patriots, who have to be the losers of free agency. The seven-year, $35 million dollar deal comes with 10 million guaranteed.
Stallworth joins a receiver corps that includes Braylon Edwards, Joe Jurevicious, and tight end Kellen Winslow.With those kind of weapons in place Derek Anderson reprising his 2007 breakout, while Jamal Lewis keeps old age and injury at bay one more year could be just what the Browns need to take all these new additions deep into the playoffs.
Posted by
Ron Dean
5:47 PM
Labels: cleveland browns, contract, donte stallworth, free agency, nfl
Tyrese Rice was Michael Jordan for 20 Minutes
When Boston College and UNC laced up this afternoon, everyone was talking about the North Carolina win that would help them keep pace with Duke. It would also put them as the likely #1 in the country Monday. Tyrese Rice and The Boston College Eagles had other plans.
Jumping out to a 16-2 lead behind the shooting of Rice the Eagles slammed a scare into the Tarheels. By the time the first 20 minutes was up, the Eagles had sustained that scare. The buzzer sounded with the eagles leading by 14 points. No matter what the 'Heels threw at Rice he was working his way for open shots and making the ones that weren't open. Rice started the first half by going 5-for-5 with 4 of those from behind the arc. He kept that going finishing the first half with 34 points and 8 buckets from behind the arc.
The Second half; NC came back and then some winning the game by. Even with that comeback in the game Rice's first half was still that show stealer. He dominated that 20 minutes more than any player I've ever seen. Rice finished the game with 46 points. His coach closed the game nicely by subbing Rice out with 46 seconds left so the Boston College crowd could show give him the appreciation that he deserves.
Posted by
Ron Dean
2:06 PM
Labels: basketball, big game, boston college, comebacks, ncaa, North Carolina, tyrese rice
Free Agency: Derek Anderson and Brady Quinn
In the middle of the night, early Friday morning, just hours into the NFL's Free Agency period, Derek Anderson signed a big deal, with the team he was on. While it cleared up some issued for the team it left some remaining.
One of the biggest questions last year was "How long until we start the guy we just drafted. The one we are paying a lot more than Derek Anderson." The Browns eliminated that question by guaranteeing Anderson just a bit more than they guaranteed Brady Quinn. It doesn't get rid of the questions though it just changes them.
It still leaves the issue of the amount of money a team that didn't even make the playoffs is shelling out for the quarterback position. The "How can we give so much to guy on the bench" questions are right around the corner. if they aren't beaten to the punch by "Look at the
The biggest contributing factor to the Browns trouble might just be success. If the Browns young talent on offense can get them in the neighborhood of the playoffs, the cries for using one of the two quarterbacks for trade bait will be loud and frequent.
Posted by
Ron Dean
9:00 AM
Labels: brady quinn, cleveland browns, derek anderson, free agency, nfl, qb controversy
Free Agency, The Patriots Second Loss This Year
The NFL's most dominate team during the 07-08 season is not having the same success during Free Agency. Already suffering a few setbacks with big name players, the New England Patriots have managed to lock up one of their key guys.
The loss of Asante Samuel, was expected. After the year he had the Patriots, who are not known for paying big money to defensive backs, knew that they weren't going to come to a number that worked for them and kept Samuel happy. Samuel signing with the Eagles wasn't devastating but the accumulation of losses will add up.
Prior to Free Agency officially starting Zach Thomas was released by the Miami Dolphins. On his first trip to Foxboro the Patriots offered Thomas a contract. The offer was tabled while Thomas shopped his services to New Orleans and Dallas. Signing with Dallas a few days after the Patriots made their offer, Thomas began the trend of players opting not to sign with the Patriots.
The latest addition to the list of guys shopping their services, Randy Moss, is now weighing his options. The Patriots chose not to franchise tag Moss. The feeling prior to free agency was that it was a matter of when, not if the Patriots would bring Moss back into the fold. Now that guys are moving all over, it appears the two parties are any where near a deal. The Patriots it seems are trying to get Moss to give a hometown discount to a team he has only played one season for.
Tedi Bruschi on the other hand did resign with Patriots. Whether he got the discount or gave the discount isn't known yet. The details of the one-year deal aren't public yet. Though the fact he wanted a deal for more than one year is known.
That maybe the key point for guys who are deciding to look elsewhere. The Patriots now have a consistent trend of getting rid of guys if they anticipate any kind of decline in performance. I don't fault them it is a business and the team has to do what's best for it. They shouldn't be surprised though when players start to look elsewhere to take care of their own best interest.
Posted by
Ron Dean
8:00 AM
Labels: asante samuel, free agency, New england patriots, nfl, randy moss, tedi bruschi
A Casual Fan Dips His Toe In Spring Training
Baseball has had a growing place in my life over the last few years. The casual fanhood of my youth had me attending one baseball game a year and watching when the World Series began. As my love of the game has grown I have become more and more attached each year. This year I finally reached the level that the regular season just isn't enough. As I started watching Spring Training games I learned something; just like the regular season there will be up and there will be downs.
On day one of the Spring Training games season was the Joe Torre debut as the Los Angeles Dodgers manager. The buzz around his impact on the young players was evident on the field. Just in case I had missed it every one with a microphone or a keyboard remind me how Joe Torre was going to change thing for the Dodgers who haven't seen much of the post season lately.
One day after kicking myself for missing all the things I could have learned from spring baseball all these years, I sat with anticipation as Johann Santana took the mound for the first time as a member of the New York Mets. I could hardly wait. If Torre, a big time manager, could help the Dodgers so much from the dugout; how much more would Santana, an impact player, do on the field. After watching a few innings worth of Santanna getting shelled I began to realize, maybe spring baseball is just about as valuable as the NFL preseason.
Just like the NFL preseason though, I'm going to watch. It may not be the best performances, I may not be able to learn the future of a franchise, but I still love the crack of the bat.
Posted by
Ron Dean
7:00 AM
Labels: baseball, joe torre, johann santana, los angeles dodgers, mlb, new york mets, spring training
Linking up with RonDean
I hope to be important enough to be fired one day(Fanhouse)
Narcissism: When you believe your teams dominance would "restore the universe to order."(ESPN)
Just in time to draw attention from Clemens, more dirt on Bonds(ESPN)
You don't have to copy everything the NFL does(SportsbyBrooks)
I hate China more everyday(SportsbyBrooks)
Posted by
Ron Dean
6:00 AM
Free Agency: New York Jets Your Early Leaders
NFL's Free Agency period is just one day old, a little early to be declaring a winner. Just right for declaring a leader. The early lead has to go to the Jets. Teams have made bigger splashes in single moves, but no franchise has done as much to improve their whole team. Moves involving big names like Jonathan Vilma, and Alan Faneca are sure to help your team even if one of them is addition by subtraction.
No one, not even the brass at the New York Jets thinks Vilma isn't a standout talent. He just doesn't fit with the Jets defense. Vilma was originally a nice fit for the 4-3 that the Jets ran prior to head coach Eric Mangini's arrival. As Mangini has worked to integrate the 3-4 defense Vilma has seemed more and more out of place. The trade to New Orleans will hopefully get Vilma's career back on track, while getting the Jets some value for the linebacker. The Saints are sending a 4th round pick to the Jets. That could get upgraded to a 3rd or even 2nd round pick based on Vilma's playing time and him signing an extension with the Saints.
The "guys finding a better fit" theme continues with the Jets signing of left Guard Alan Faneca. Faneca who felt the Steelers who had played for 9 years let him down heading into the 07-08 season, his 10th with the team. He felt that for the team to make him play the whole year with no security should he get injured, wasn't a fair reward for his 10 years of service. He showed a fair amount of class; after explaining his side logically, he informed everyone he would be showing up for all required functions, he would play just as hard as he always had, and he would find a new team at the end of the year. He did just that, signing with the Jets for $32 million over 4-years, the first $23 of that is guaranteed. Did somebody say security?
Alan Faneca brings more than just his impressive skills at left guard. He will line up between D'Brickashaw Ferguson and center Nick Mangold; both have only 2 years experience, and will benefit from Faneca's leadership between them. Once the three of them develop a little chemistry they should provide some nice lanes between the tackles for Thomas Jones
Posted by
Ron Dean
2:00 AM
Labels: draft, eric mangini, free agency, new orleans saints, new york jets, nfl, Pittsburgh steelers, trade
Free Agency: Isaac Bruce Signs with the Niners
Looks like the Niners are trying to recreate that old magic. That VERY old magic. The San Francisco Forty-Niners threw their hat in the NFL's Free Agency ring. Signing long time St. Louis Rams wide receiver Isaac Bruce to a two-year $6 million dollar contract.
The move reunites him with former Rams Coach Mike Martz who was recently added to try and get the 49ers offense to look more like the Rams offense circa 2000. Apparently the role of Isaac Bruce; sure handed receiver will be played by Isaac Bruce; washed up receiver. With role of Kurt Warner; the quarterback no one believes in being played quite convincingly by Alex Smith; the quarterback no one, including Niners head coach Mike Nolan, believes in.
Check out my Pre-Free Agency Projections for the San Franciso 49ers
Posted by
Ron Dean
1:00 AM
Labels: alex smith, football, free agency, isaac bruce, mike martz, mike nolan, nfl, san francisco 49ers, st. louis rams
Free Agency: Devil's in the Details
It may very well be that trades have gotten voided in recent memory. We just don't hear about it. Trades get submitted to the league office where they are reviewed. I am sure that often times the convoluted languages necessary to make these trades and the contracts they involve, gets screw up. That was the case in the Rogers to Cincinnatti part of this mess. On a normal day the two teams would get back together and hash out whatever language was required to get the leagues ok.
This is not a normal day. Tonight(Friday) at midnight if Shaun Rogers gets a 1 million dollar bonus. The Lions didn't want to be saddled with that, not for a guy that won't be playing for them next season. In their desperation to make a move, they ended up turning to Cincinnatti's division rival, the Browns. Not only do the Browns get better on the defensive line they do it at the expense of Cincinnatti. They also do it cheaper than Cincinnatti.
Leigh Bodden is a talented player, for sure. But the Lions basically just took him over a first round draft pick, the 9th overall draft pick. Anybody want to try and make a case that is a good decision. Sounds pretty Matt Millen to me.
Posted by
Ron Dean
12:00 AM
Labels: cincinnati bengals, cleveland browns, draft busts, leigh bodden, matt millen, nfl, shaun rogers, trade, trade voided