I have nothing to add this one stands-up for itself
Tom Brady said today in referance to Randy Moss becoming a free agent, that he hopes the Patriots wil resign him because he goes where Randy goes. Wow talk about an endorsement. Guess who just gained all the leverage at the bargaining table.
What you would notice if you were court side
Favre says he is still unsure about returning, apparently he hasn't read my letter yet
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Odds and Ends to Start Your Day
Posted by
Ron Dean
9:40 PM
Labels: odds and ends
Ohio St. or Michigan What Will Terrelle Pryor Do
So National signing day is just around the corner. No one seems to know what Terrelle Pryor is going to do. The simple fact that we haven't gotten one solid leaked rumor so far leads me to believe that Pryor himself may not even be sure at this point.
This Saturday Pryor will play in home game for his Jeannette High basketball game. In attendance you'll find Buckeye's Head coach Jim Tressel and new Wolverine's head man Rich Rodriguez. Some how I don't think they'll be sharing popcorn. Maybe Rodriguez could ask Tressel for a loan since he can't seem to pay his bills.
If you care about the feelings of some one closely related you can check out his prep coaches "gut feeling"
I honestly don't get the whole draw of either of these schools. They have been hammered by every high profile opponent they have faced, other than Michigan sending Lloyd Carr out on a high note against Florida. They are Hawaii and Boise st. The Big-10 errr 11 is the WAC. They both play thier own weak conference and even weaker out of conference schedule. OSU is going to get throttled when they actually face a real team in USC.
Posted by
Ron Dean
8:57 PM
Labels: commit, declares, michigan, ohio st., osu, sign, Terrelle pryor
Trailblazers Use Tech Toys to Promote Brandon Roy
The Portland Trailblazers sent out 75 iRoys. What is an iRoy, you ask. It the their own iPod Nano that is pre-loaded with Brandon Roys clips and clips of people endorsing him. The Trailblazers are doing this in an effort to get thier man into the All-Star game. I love to see Technology creeping in to other aspects of our life. I think this is a great marketing scheme, now lets see if it works.
Here is an opposing view that I found interesting
Posted by
Ron Dean
7:06 PM
Labels: all-star game, basketball, brandon roy, nba, portland trailblazers
Odds and Ends
2008 Final Hall of Fame game - This bums me out, I don't know why. I am not a purist or a huge fan of small NY towns
Norman Chads Rise - A nice piece about a guy who's self depricating humor kept me watching the World Series of Poker two years longer than it was interesting
Grey Ruegamer - Apparently not named for Gray Matter.
Posted by
Ron Dean
4:59 PM
Labels: gray ruegamer, hall of fame, links, norman chad
Damon Stoudamire to the Spurs
Mike Monroe of the San Antonio Express-News is reporting the Damon Stoudamire could end up in San Antonio instead of the expected Boston.
I love this, while Stoudamire has at times shown a lack of effort and hustle that certainly would not fit into the Spurs style of play. I think with a change scenery and a shot at actually going somewhere with his talent he would find motivation to hustle the way he did early on in the NBA.
I don't like him for the Celtics or really an Eastern team because he is just a horrible mismatch to guard the Pistons point position. At this point that is how GM's need to look at bringing someone on. Are you a guy who is gonna help me get to the Finals. I just don't think he is in the East.
Posted by
Ron Dean
4:29 PM
Labels: Damon Stoudemire, san antonio, spurs
Update: Who's Picking The Giants Jan 30th
Ok so I have only one new addition to the list o'people picking the Giants to win the Superbowl
Jan 30th -
Bill Plaschke - LA Times Columnist today on Around the Horn
Jan 29th -
Shockingly the less interesting pick is Jon Stewart. With the more intersting pick title going to this guy errrr fella uhhh one
This Brings the list to
Bill Plaschke - LA Times Columnist on Around the Horn
Jon Stewart - Host of The A Daily Show
The Camel - Popcorn Park Zoo
Fran Tarkenton - Former Minnesota Vikings quarterback on the Mike and Mike show.
Dr. Z - SI.com
Sean King - ESPN Analyst on First Take
Mike Weiss - Forum Guest on Jim Rome is Burning
I'll keep updating this as the week progresses.
Did I miss anyone who picked the Giants
Who do you think will win the Big game
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Posted by
Ron Dean
3:00 PM
Labels: giants, New england, new york, patriots, picks, polls, superbowl, voting
What To Do With Your Patriots 19-0 Book When They Lose Sunday
I figured out the best plan for what I am going to do with my "19-0: The Historic Championship Season of New England's Unbeatable Patriots."
First off I haven't actually ordered one and I won't because after sunday I will need two. They should be about a nickel on Ebay by Monday morning. The short sighted will attempt to dump their now useless book. Hey they might even throw in some useless Patriots Superbowl Champion swag.
So I am going to take one copy and get is signed by all the current Giants. Shouldn't be too hard right.
Now the hard part. I am going to try and get it signed by as many current Patriots as I can. With Belichick being the holy grail of signatures.
Tell me that isn't a conversation piece on your trophy shelf.
Posted by
Ron Dean
12:15 PM
Labels: 19-0, book, New england, patriots, superbowl
Superbowl Parties
Check out the list of Superbowl parties you just can't miss(or get into)
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Posted by
Ron Dean
10:00 AM
Johan Santana to the Mets, Not As Bad As I Thought
So initially I am just baffled, how do four guys I've never heard of get the Mets the best pitcher in the game right now.
Oh, I get that baseball is about prospects and teams build themselves up for the future. While teams like the Atlanta Braves have built long standing consistency with their farm system constantly building a good club. There are the Yankees on the other side spending as fast as they can to go after talent. Somewhere in between is a club like the Angles who relies heavily on thier farm system and is somewhat reluctant to trade up-and-coming talent but is still willing to go after a good player if they're out there. All of these are good models and clearly have there own levels of success.
The Twins model I don't understand. For the last decade they have been developing for the future and then trading that future away, or just flat letting it leave once it gets to a level where it can demand money.
So while I was initially baffled, I now understand. Why not carry these for guys as hope for the fans. Knowing full well when they get good the only question will be, Beantown or Pinstripes?
Posted by
Ron Dean
9:03 AM
Labels: Johan Santana, mets, minnesota, new york, twins
Stop Challenging Tiger Woods
I have mentioned before how I feel about Tigers dominance, as well as my complete lack of authority on the subject. So I wont delve to much into that.
However I have a particular need on a related topic. I need Rory Sabatinis muzzle, I mean he has managed to not say anything dumb in what like two months errr weeks. The last time was when he said he was leaving Tigers tournament a day early, in the first real action this season. I didn't post about it then because it isn't really much in my sports world, plus Sabatini makes a fool of himself often enough that it just isn't worth posting about.
Now Ian Poulter has not only managed to poke a sleeping dragon (I really wanted to go sleeping Tiger right there. but it seemed a bit much) when he said that he can challenge Tiger. He actually challenged the rest of the field by saying he is THE ONLY PLAYER capable of challenging of Tiger.
Seriously Ian, borrow Rorys muzzle, lock that thing down tight and don't take it off until myself and every other non-golf fan have heard of you for something other than being a moron. I know Rory definitely needs his muzzle but it seems ha can contain himself to pissing off Tiger. Poulter just can't seem to keep his golfers who hate me club that exclusive, openinng the doors to everyone.
Posted by
Ron Dean
8:25 AM
Labels: challenge, Golf, pga, rory sabatini, supremacy, Tiger woods ian poulter
Chris Webber Going Back to The Warriors
Oh, the potential. I have been hoping and pining for the last few weeks to get Chris Webber into Los Angeles to shore up the Bynum-less Lakers. I think he would have fit nicely, though I have developed more questions lately as I considered his resume of going to teams and not helping them win.
It really doesn't matter anyway because the door for his return began to swing shut with the signing fo DJ Mbenga and then slammed tight when it became known that he was retunring to Golden State and Don Nelson.
It turns out what I am getting out of Webber returning is even better than anything I had hoped for. Nelson was the coach who butted heads so frequently with Webber in his former run with the Warriors. This led to Webber leaving town and both sides being that much happier about it. Now though, it's all peace, love, and let's bury the hatchet. Yeah we'll see.
The most exciting part of this for me is the potential for this to become a trend. I mean I am sitting here on pins and needles waiting for the Latrell Sprewell comeback story Starring the Seattle Supersonics and one PJ Carlesimo
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Posted by
Ron Dean
6:00 AM
Labels: chris webber, don nelson, Golden State, lakers, latrell sprewell, los angeles, nba basketball, pj Carlesimo, Seattle, sonics, supersonics, Warriors