The Miami Heat continue to do there part for the environment, producing exactly no heat. Dwayne Wade has officially shut it down for the remainder of the season, including the playoffs (AHHHHH HA HA HA). Following move after move that signifies the absolute black hole this franchise is in, this last one can hardly be considered a surprise.
To start the year the Heat were just terrible. The league held it's collective tongue, though. The only comments were to the effect that everything would be fine when Wade returned from his shoulder injury.
As the losses piled up with no sign of improvement, the talk of Wade's return seemed to remind Ricky Davis that there is a glimmer of talent within him some where and he and better shine it up to coincide with Wade's return. When Wade returned assumptions were made about Shaq, Davis and all of the Heat's play rising to meet the ability of Wade.
One problem, Wade's ability seems to be hiding under something thicker than Dan Le Batard's chest hair. Now Shaq has been dealt and Wade has shut it down. Wade certainly can't be faulted, Head coach and GM Pat Riley said recently he was planning to skip a few weeks. Planning on taking the time to scout players in NCAA tournaments.
I can only imagine how that went over with Wade "Sounds great coach. See you next season, my uhhh, let's say... knee hurts."
Now with this season a complete waste, Shaq gone to Phoenix (woo hoo a win, over a team with talent), and Wade on the shelf Shawn Marion has got to be wondering how fast he can get to Boston, or Detroit, hell he's probably take Minnesota right now.
If the team doesn't seem commited to winning—trading away a legendary player for a contract move, the coach doesn't seem commited to winning —yet another early exit when the team plays poorly, we certainly can't expect the star player to grit it out. It will be interesting to see what Marion can do with a team that has zero pressure to win and no real stars other than him.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Dwayne Wade Shuts it Down; Thanks Riley
Posted by
Ron Dean
1:17 PM
Labels: dwayne wade, injuries, miami heat, pat riley
Linking up with RonDean
It's Monday morning, I am out from under the mountain of my own work and the work I have been helping others with so without further adeiu,"let's Superman this post"
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Posted by
Ron Dean
6:06 AM