This morning at the end of ESPN First Take, host Jay Crawford made all the Superbowl hype worth it.
Crawford let the viewers know that tomorrows guests will be John Elway, Dan Marino, and Joe Montana. Seriously I can't describe how lucky Jay Crawford is to get these three together. I also have to say this qualifies as can't miss television. I will gladly wade through all the pre-Superbowl hype for the gold nuggets like this.
I have to say that the Joe's Diner, series of commercials that have been running all year long are hilarious. I hope they touch on that tomorrow. Though they may not with all three of them there due to the fact that all Marino would have to talk about as far as commercials is Nutri System, and Elway only has local Denver commercials for his car dealerships.
I guess instead of commercials they could discuss the fact that those are three of the greatest quarterbacks of all time and easily the top three in the modern era. Slightly more important than Nutri System
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Can't Miss Television
Posted by
Ron Dean
4:55 PM
Labels: dan marino, ESPN tv, first take, jay crawford, joe montana, john elway
Johann Santana Will Get Whatever He Wants From the Mets
ESPN is reporting that we should not expect the Johann Santana to the Mets deal to be finalized by Friday Morning. I have no idea why they picked that as a when we shouldn't expect a deal, when they are the ones reporting in the next breath that the cut off for the deal to be negotiated is by 5pm Friday evening.
All of this anticipation and conjecture is waste though. The Mets and Santana will come to a deal. I know this and I can even tell you what the deal will be-- WHATEVER SANTANA WANTS IT TO BE.
Let's remember that Mets nation is in a foul mood after the historic collapse that ended last season, with them watching the playoffs. Now they have the best offseason free agent on the way to NY, their NY. So that would solve the problem of all those ugly late season losses. Mr. Met is shining up that big white head of his right now, and Mets fans are salivating at the possibilities.
So now when Santana and his people are holding their tough line on the 6 years they want and the Mets give em that stern look and say it's 5 years or it's no deal. Do you really expect Santana to buy the Mets willingness to turn around at this point and tell their fans "you know that championship that you could feel in your hands, now you can feel it slipping through your fingers"
Not gonna happen, see you in New York Santana.
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Posted by
Ron Dean
3:21 PM
Labels: deal, johan, Johan Santana, mets, new york, rumor, trade
Update: Who's Picking The Giants Jan 31st
Ok so I have two new addition to the list o'people picking the Giants to win the Superbowl, but these two might count for more than most
Jan 31st -
Tony Dorsett - Hall of Famer this morning on First Take
Jerry Rice - Greatest receiver of All Time today on Mike Tiricos Superbowl special
Jan 30th -
Bill Plaschke - LA Times Columnist today on Around the Horn
Jan 29th -
Shockingly the less interesting pick is Jon Stewart. With the more intersting pick title going to this guy errrr fella uhhh one
This Brings the list to
Tony Dorsett - Hall of Famer this morning on First Take
Jerry Rice - Greatest receiver of All Time today on Mike Tiricos Superbowl specialBill Plaschke - LA Times Columnist on Around the Horn
Jon Stewart - Host of The A Daily Show
The Camel - Popcorn Park Zoo
Fran Tarkenton - Former Minnesota Vikings quarterback on the Mike and Mike show.
Dr. Z -
Sean King - ESPN Analyst on First Take
Mike Weiss - Forum Guest on Jim Rome is Burning
I'll keep updating this as the week progresses.
Did I miss anyone who picked the Giants
Who do you think will win the Big game
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Posted by
Ron Dean
1:16 PM
Labels: giants, New england, new york, patriots, picks, polls, superbowl, voting
A Thanks to
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Go check it out and let me know what you think.
Posted by
Ron Dean
10:48 AM
Labels: advertiser, theeoc
Kidd Three-Way Deal Isn't Gonna Happen
Ok so there is a lot going on with this deal but here is the short version of the ESPN Breakdown
Portland Gets: Mav's guard Devin Harris and forward Brandon Bass
New Jersey Gets: Draft picks, Cash, Mavs' Jerry Stackhouse, and Portlands' Travis Outlaw, Channing Frye and Jarrett Jack
Dallas Gets: Kidd
You have got to be kidding me. Portland is not in a rebuiling mode, they do not need to cut salary, in the way that the Nets do. So why would the Trailblazers trade away Outlaw, Frye, and Jack for Harris and Bass. This just doesn't make sense for Portland, don't expect to see this deal happen the way it looks right now.
Outside Shot
Just have to relay a Trailblazers bit I heard recently. When Trailblazers assistant coach, and Trailblazers legend, Maurice Lucas was asked why there was some much trash talking back and forth on the court today. Lucas calmly threw back, "because in my time it was only a $50 fine if you socked a guy in the face"
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Posted by
Ron Dean
9:26 AM
Labels: Dallas Cowboys, dallas mavericks, Jason kidd, mavericks, nets, new jersey, new jersey nets, portland trailblazers, rumor, trade, trailblazers
Superbowl Media Day
So Superbowl Media day has come and gone, given time to think about it I have come to one sure realization.
There is a reason this isn't called Player Relations day. This really is a day for the Media. I don't mean media in the traditional sense of doing their job and being a conduit for the public. No it is more an instance of them being real fans. Check out the end of this post by David Kindervater of EveryMorningQuarterback( I just found it refreshing to see him going "Look I'm on the news, I'm on the news" Newsflash, you ARE the news.
I am sure some of the older guys, who have been there a few times, don't see it with the same joy. But I really enjoy the perspective of a guy like David who writes well, has professional experience, and is still a fan.
Now we only have less than 4 days until kick off.
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Posted by
Ron Dean
9:00 AM
Labels: david kindervater, emqb, media, superbowl