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Want To Tell Me How Wrong I am

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Will the Patriots Keep Themselves From 19-0

Let the Jinx talk begin. The Patriots who have all year long been telling people "we are only worried about this game", "we're preparing for (insert this weeks beat down recipient here), they are the toughest opponent we have faced all season", and my favorite gem " We are on our 16th(17th, 18th... who can even keep track anymore) one game win streak"

After all this talk and humility, it turns out the Patriots might have been thinking a little farther ahead than they let on. A few weeks ago before they even took the field against the San Diego Chargers in an attempt to reach 18-0. The Patriots paid a visit to the Patent office. They applied for a patent on the phrases "19-0" and “19-0 The Perfect Season.”

Tell me again how your not looking ahead. Tell me again how the perfect season isn't on your minds. Because I have to be honest, I bought it the first time. I am not even a patriots fan and I was drinking the Kool-Aid. So now that we all know the truth. We are left with one pressing question.

Will this be the jinx, that ruins it all?

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