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Monday, February 11, 2008

The All-Star Game is a Real Honor, Right?

On the heels of the least important of all of the All-Star games, the NFL's Pro-Bowl. I was just dying reading about the feeling Rasheed Wallace expressed upon receiving news he would have the "honor" of being selected to this years All-Star game in New Orleans.

"It's something that's good for my kids," he said, in almost somber tones. "I guess once I get older and get out of the game, this is something they can look back on."
Wallace had campaigned hard to not be selected, preferring the four days off instead. He already had made plans to spend the four-day break some place a lot more tropical than New Orleans.

Check out this nugget from that same article

How soon they forget. The names of Primoz Brezec and Walter Herrmann were misspelled on the Bobcats greaseboard before the game. Both were members of the team until Dec. 14.

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